Land a competitive Customer Success job even if you have no direct experience.

Discover the 1-on-1 mentorship that has helped 500+ career changers land their first Customer Success jobs in less than 6 months.


Are you an experienced professional looking to leverage your transferrable skills and experience for a new role in Customer Success?

If you are, tell me, do any of these sound like you?

“I feel like I’ve tried everything. I’m tired of doing the same things over and over again just to fill up my inbox with rejection emails.”

“I know I’d be a great fit for Customer Success, why won’t anyone just give me a chance?!"

“I haven’t made any progress. Maybe this just isn’t possible for me.”

“There are so many people applying to these jobs. How am I ever going to stand out?”

If you’ve said anything similar to yourself, this is not the time to give up. Because the dream job you’ve been working towards is closer than you think.


"Before joining the Accelerator, I'd been trying to transition into Customer Success for about 5 months, but I felt like no one was noticing me and my applications were going nowhere. Now I'm so happy to say I'm working full time in CS at a company I love and it's amazing. I still have a lot to learn, but I'm eager and excited to learn it!"

– Anita N.
(Former Teacher)

"Before joining the Accelerator, I'd been trying to transition into Customer Success for about 5 months, but I felt like no one was noticing me and my applications were going nowhere. Now I'm so happy to say I'm working full time in CS at a company I love and it's amazing. I still have a lot to learn, but I'm eager and excited to learn it!"

– Anita N.
(Former Teacher)

"Carly and her team helped me through not one, but two job searches in the span of 1 year due to unexpected layoffs. When I started, I had a lack of confidence in my interviews... Now I am much more confident about interviewing, and I feel like my storytelling has improved tenfold. If you're on the fence about working with Carly and her team, to that I say it's 100% worth it. The confidence and tools you gain from working with Carly is priceless and will continue to pay dividends throughout your career."

– Grace L.
(Former Healthcare Worker)

Career transitions one of the most challenging phases people go through in their lives...

Yet, many don’t realize how common they are: even before Covid, the average person could expect to change careers 5-7 times during their work life.

And if this statistic sounds absolutely ~wild~ to you, take this as your sign that:

  • You’re going through something completely normal, and many people could relate to the challenges you’re facing right now.
  • You’ve landed on the right place where you will find the support you need while navigating your career change.

Most importantly, you should remember that the next part of your career transformation doesn’t have to be as stressful as you think.  

 🚫…You don’t have to stay stuck in a never-ending cycle of submitting hundreds of applications each month only to get ghosted or fill your inbox with an endless string of generic rejection emails… 

🚫…You don’t have to keep watching hours of YouTube videos that give you tons of generic application advice but nothing actionable to set you apart and move you further in the application process…  

 🚫…You don’t have to dread the next interview, filled with worry that they will once again choose a more experienced candidate over you… 

Trust me, I know how frustrating all of this can be.


But there is a proven strategy that can help you get out of this job application rut and back on track to your dream role. The strategy consists of: 

  • a tailored, 1-on-1 support system that takes into consideration your UNIQUE background, skills, and experiences, and helps you highlight what ONLY YOU can bring to the table in Customer Success.

  • a community of people who have walked a similar path to yours and have experience hiring in Customer Success, and who are now ready to provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to absolutely smash your career goals without having to struggle unnecessarily.  

And the good news is that you’ve landed on just the right page to find that!

Hi! I'm Carly, and I’ve been a Customer Success professional for over 10 years.

After a decade of building, navigating, and growing my own career in Customer Success, I'm now dedicated to helping others do the same.

I believe that everyone deserves work-life balance, financial freedom, and endless opportunities for career growth. And I also believe that Customer Success is one of the most exciting career fields where you can find that.

In less than 3 years, my team and I have coached over 750 job seekers and helped them land a new job in Customer Success, and I am committed to opening the gates to the field to as many people as possible.

… so that’s why we created a highly personalized, 1-on-1 mentorship program, designed specifically to help career transitioners launch a successful career in Customer Success. 

We've helped folks transition from backgrounds in Sales, Support, Customer Service, Education, Healthcare, Consulting, Marketing, Hospitality, Human Resources/Recruiting, and plenty more!


The Customer Success Career Accelerator

When you join us, you‘ll...

  • Land a Customer Success, which gives you more opportunities for professional growth
  • Find that elusive work-life balance in a new role that offers better accommodation for your needs and life circumstances
  • Learn how to stand out as an applicant in today’s dynamic job market and reach your next career milestone by working with a team of Customer Success professionals with experience in recruiting and hiring in the field

But before you decide if you’re ready to accept the invaluable support my team and I can offer, take a look at the experiences of some of the people who took an actionable step towards their dream Customer Success job and trusted our guidance in the process:

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Liquid error: Nil location provided. Can't build URI.
Brittany B. transitioned out of Higher Ed and joined the six-figure club!
Kahlin M. landed her dream CSM role at an HR Tech company after 2 years of searching on her own.
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Liquid error: Nil location provided. Can't build URI.
Steven Z. transitioned from Hospitality to a CSM role at an ULTRA competitive Climate Tech company.
Connor G. landed a CSM role at a Retail Tech company after being laid off from his sales job.

Are you ready to be the next success story and inspire other job seekers with your achievements just a few months from now?


What's Included?

What you get when you join us...

The Customer Success Career Accelerator was created BY experienced CSMs FOR those without direct experience, and the main goal of our program is to help professionals looking for their first position in Customer Success find their ideal fit role quickly, efficiently, and under the guidance of a team of experts.
That’s why inside the program, you will get:

4 Hours of 1-On-1 Zoom Coaching Sessions

  • Meet with our incredible team of Customer Success career experts WHEN you need it most. (Yes, you get to choose when to use your coaching hours)
  • Sessions are available M-F between 7am-8:30pm ET.
  • You can use the four hours at your discretion.. Want to chat for 30 mins about how to approach a new connection in your network? Cool! Want to grab 60 minutes to prepare for a big final round interview? No problem!
  • And the best part - you can use your hours before OR after you land your new dream job! Why? Because we want to set you up for a successful career, and we’d be happy to give you guidance on how to shine in your new role.

Done-For-You Resume Rewrite

Seriously, it’s time to stop editing your resumé over and over again...

  • Upon joining us, you’ll get a complete resume rewrite to optimize it for all customer success jobs from our team with ACTUAL recruiting and hiring experience in Customer Success.

  • But let’s be clear.. We are writing your last resume, meaning you won’t have to keep editing it for every job you apply to. We will teach you exactly how to leverage your experience in the field to demonstrate what you’ve already learned, the impact that you’ve made, and all the value that you can bring to your new dream role.

  • And because we always stay up to date on current job market trends and the best ways to set you up for success … you’ll get an audit of your LinkedIn profile and cover letter, too!

Unlimited Email Support

We know exactly what you’re going through as a job seeker in the Customer Success field, and we know all about those moments when you suddenly realize you have an urgent and important question that you forgot to ask us in your 1-on-1 or just thought of...

  • So, you got a quick question? Send us an email! Want a second set of eyes on your application before you submit it? Send us an email! Want help crafting a networking message? Boom, email!
  • You have unlimited access to us via email (M-F). It’s like having a team of Customer Success experts in your pocket that you can call on anytime.

Job Search Action Plan

Every minute you spend thinking “what should I spend time on today?” or “what am I supposed to be doing to move my job search forward?”... is a waste of your time AND energy! Allow us to take that burden off you with a step-by-step action plan.

  • When you join us, you’ll get a job search roadmap outlining EXACTLY what actions you should take each week.
  • Your roadmap is intentionally laid out so you can easily tailor it to your schedule. It doesn’t matter if you have two hours or twenty hours a week to dedicate to your job search.
  • Think of it as an expertly designed to-do list!

Best-In-Class Customer Success
Job Search Training Portal

Lifetime access to on-demand, step-by-step resources, templates, and video modules teaching you how to navigate every aspect of your job search with data-backed strategies.

  • You never know when you will need a memory refresh even after you’ve watched all modules, so you can always refer back to any part of our trainings and tools in the portal.
  • We have clients from years ago reach out to us all the time telling us they referred back to the training portal to land yet another new job!
Let me peel back the curtain and show you what’s inside our Best-In-Class CS Job Search Training Portal...

Module 1: Boost your job search productivity

  • How to gain momentum without burning out or spending all your free time applying to jobs.
  • What job search activities are worth and not worth your time.
  • Which roles and titles you should be looking out for and which ones to avoid, PLUS how to interpret job descriptions.
  • Which job boards are most effective AND the proper way to use them...
    (This one might surprise you!)

Module 2: Winning first impressions

  • Step-by-step walkthrough of how to sell your skills and experiences on your Resumé, Cover Letter and LinkedIn profile grab the attention of recruiters
  • Stay ahead of the ever-changing preferences of recruiters and hiring managers as the market shifts and evolves
  • Learn how to quantify your impact throughout your career (even if you don’t have KPIs or data)

Module 3: Secure interviews via networking

  • How to get interviews in an oversaturated market without tailoring your resumé for every job.
  • How to use networking to get more interviews: Who to network with (and who NOT to network with), What to say when networking, When to network, What channels to network on and more!
  • The EASIEST way to skip the pre-screen and go right into a hiring manager interview.

Module 4: Interview with confidence

  • How to be CONFIDENT in any interview (from phone screens, to panel interviews to mock presentations)
  • Uplevel the two critical interview skills that separate you from the competition: how to SELL yourself and how to be an effective storyteller
  • Talk tracks that will differentiate you from other candidates so you stand out as #1 and get the offer.

Hear more from some of our other 500+ graduates who reached their Customer Success career goals quickly and confidently:

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Liquid error: Nil location provided. Can't build URI.
– Chloe M. worked with us to land not one, but TWO job offers, ultimately accepting her dream job in health tech.
Ilaria B. went from being ghosted by companies for 5 months to landing a new CSM job she loves!

 BUT WAIT.. there's more.

You’ll also get these EPIC bonuses (for free!)

#1 Nail Your Interview Presentations Bundle

Customer Kick-off, Business Review, Success Plan and Account Prioritization mock calls, deck templates and practice activities so you can focus on what matters for nailing your presentation.

#2 Reverse Interview Scorecard Prep Doc

Our clients RAVE about this – We’ve reverse-engineered the interview scorecards hiring teams use to assess Customer Success candidates and turned it into a step by step template for you to organize interview prep.

#3 Aspireship PLUS Membership

Our partner Aspireship offers industry-leading upskilling programs for people looking to grow their careers through learning and development
Get an industry-recognized CSM certification FOR FREE! See more here.

#4 Experience Gap Fillers

20 Mini masterclasses (10 mins) on what to say when you don't have direct experience for the 20 top CSM responsibilities.

Oh my gosh the accelerator is worth every penny and you are PHENOMENAL. Thank you so, so, so much! I am feeling much more confident about my interview now!
I'm so excited to see what the next few weeks will bring! I'm so elated that 24 hours into using your tools I've already gotten further in the process than I was before.

Are you ready to be the next success story and inspire other job seekers with your achievements just a few months from now?




Your Most Popular Questions, Answered:


Assisting both seasoned CSMs and career transitioners from diverse backgrounds. Whether you're new or a pro, Carly is here to guide you to your next milestone!


Discover the secrets to optimizing your resumé and building a network that will make you stand out in today's oversaturated job market.

Assisting both seasoned CSMs and career transitioners from diverse backgrounds. Whether you're new or a pro, Carly is here to guide you to your next milestone! 


100 Need-to-Know Terms for Emerging Customer Success Professionals