The 8 Questions Your Resume MUST Answer if you want to get picked for Customer Success job interviews
Feb 20, 2024
Here’s what you can expect from this episode:
Ever wonder why some resumes seem to work magic, landing interview after interview, while others get lost in the shuffle? I’m about to let you in on a secret - It's all about answering the right questions. And as someone who looks at over 400 resumes a month, I have some valuable tips to share!
I'm going to cover the basics of resume writing that many of you get wrong. And with that, I am going to break down the 8 things your resume MUST have if you want to secure your next Customer Success job interview. I'll explain why each one is important, and to make it easy, I'm going to give you examples for each. So you can basically listen to this episode, pause it, and write your resume along with me.
So, if you're ready to give your resume the edge it needs to get you in the door for those coveted customer success job interviews, this episode is what you have been looking for. Let's dive in and start making those changes that could open the door to your next big opportunity in Customer Success.
Topics covered on customer success job interviews:
- Highlighting what your book of business looks like and being descriptive with your customer experience to avoid room for interpretation
- The importance of quantifying your successes and including key performance indicators (KPIs) to provide credible benchmarks
- Listing your improvements or innovations that were internal and customer-facing to demonstrate your proactive contributions
- How to sneakily slide your tech stack on your resume
- Clearly defining your role in the customer life cycle
- The importance of highlighting the teams you partnered with and including the how
- Emphasizing the specific, tactical things you did in your role that allowed you to reach your goals
Resources Mentioned:
Learn how to stand out and get interviews in today's crowded job market. Watch my FREE Training: How I Help My Clients Stand Out & Get Interviews
Want to know how to SELL your experience, stand out from other candidates and show up confidently to your Customer Success job interviews? Watch my FREE Training: Nail Your Customer Success Interviews
Actively looking for a job in Customer Success or plan to in the near future? Apply for 1:1 Coaching with me
Connect with Carly:
Related Episodes:
- Episode 4: How to get promoted (Spoiler: it’s got nothing to do with your performance)
- Episode 3: Falling short in interviews? ACE your next Customer Success job interview with these simple tips!
- Episode 2: I’ve spent 3 years analyzing the Customer Success job market. Here’s what job seekers need to know
More about Customer Success Career Coach:
Customer Success Career Coach is the must-listen podcast for current and aspiring Customer Success pros. Join Carly and her guests as they spill the secret strategies and tips for building your Customer Success career. This isn't your typical snooze-fest – they’re diving deep into the world of Customer Success careers. Whether you're starting from scratch (hey career transitioners!) or eyeing that next big promotion, they’ve got the playbook for you. Every Wednesday, join Carly and her amazing guests as they dish out practical advice and real-life steps you can actually use. No fluff, just stuff you can apply ASAP to score that dream job, snag that promotion, or become the team rockstar.